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Mark Anderson
Director @

Gregory V. Jones, PhD
Director, Center for Wine Education @
Mark Anderson
Director @
Mark Anderson serves as the Director of the Vintage Report. With the Vintage Report, Mark manages a network of thought leadership events that advance the use of technology and scientific understanding throughout the wine industry. Previously Mark worked for an international affairs consulting firm, securing market access for agricultural exports around the world. Mark has a degree from Wheaton College (MA) in international relations with a concentration in international political economy.
Gregory V. Jones, PhD
Director, Center for Wine Education @
Gregory V. Jones is the Director of Wine Education and a professor and research climatologist in the Department of Environmental Studies at Linfield College. Professor Jones specializes in the study of climate structure and suitability for viticulture, and how climate variability and change influence grapevine growth, wine production and quality. He conducts applied research for the grape and wine industry in Oregon and many regions worldwide and has given hundreds of international, national, and regional presentations on climate and wine-related research. He is the author of numerous book chapters and other reports and articles on wine economics, grapevine phenology, site assessment methods for viticulture, climatological assessments of viticultural potential, and climate variability and change impacts on wine production.

Eric Herve, PhD
Research Scientist @

Sebastien Payen, PhD
Founder and CEO @
Eric Herve, PhD
Research Scientist @
Eric Herve received his PhD from the University of Bordeaux in France, and has worked as a research scientist at ETS Laboratories since 1997. Eric has helped develop numerous analytical tools that allow growers and winemakers to assess grape and wine flavors, and to identify, trace, and prevent wine flaws or taints. These developments have included testing corks for “Releasable TCA” – a major breakthrough in the battle against cork taint – and the first report of eucalyptol in wines. At ETS, Eric supervises the development of new analysis methods, and assists growers and winemakers in their constant quest to harness the full potential of their grapes.
Sebastien Payen, PhD
Founder and CEO @
Sébastien holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. His Ph.D. work included the development of sensors, micro-technology and polymer materials. Prior to UC Berkeley, Mr. Payen served one year in the French Navy as a deck officer on a mine-hunter. In July 2001, before his studies at UC Berkeley, Mr. Payen graduated from Ecole Polytechnique, one of the top engineering schools in France. Sébastien currently runs operations for Fruition Sciences out of Montpellier, France.

Peter Salamone, PhD

Jessica Cortell, PhD
Founder @
Peter Salamone, PhD
When I first came to the wine industry from biotech 15 years ago, I was attracted to the complexity found in wine and the unanswered questions surrounding unlocking that potential. Today, the pursuit of understanding wine complexity and how viticultural and enological practices can affect wine quality are at the heart of my endeavors in forming the ROC. Bridging the gap between basic discovery and the application of principles is what the ROC is all about. From implementation of new tools and practices to simply creating a contextual understanding of the molecular consequences of physical changes in the winemaking process, the ROC is providing growers and vintners a much-needed link between Research & Discovery and Application & Development.
Jessica Cortell, PhD
Founder @
Jessica, a native of Oregon, has a B.S in Horticulture, M.S in Horticulture and a Ph.D in Food Science and Technology all from Oregon State University. Jessica was the vineyard management instructor at Chemeketa Community College from 2009 to 2016. After working for several years as the Oregon Washington viticulturist for Premier Pacific Vineyards, she founded Vitis Terra Vineyard Services in 2010 and farms a number of vineyard sites around the valley.