Vintage Report Series Meet Up
15 janvier 2021
Join us for an overview of our Vintage Report series and discover what we found were significant themes in vine development and winegrowing. Thibaut Scholasch PhD and Mark Anderson will outline the Vintage Report’s Five Stages of Plant Development. This will be an online meetup but don't worry, sharing is optional

Paso Robles Vintage Analysis
20 janvier 2021
Analyzing the industry’s most advanced data set on plant development, we will look back on growing conditions during the 2020 vintage in Paso Robles and across California’s Central Coast. This hour long session will include insight on how we can better prepare our vines for the coming proliferation of heat stress.

Napa Vintage Analysis
19 janvier 2021
During this event Thibaut Scholasch PhD and his team will discuss the main winegrowing trends from the 2020 vintage. We will review what has been for many the most challenging vintage ever. While smoke, fires and the painful complications of a pandemic may be what we remember most about 2020, there are many lessons to be learned from this vintage. Join us and be ready to take what we have learned from the 2020 growing season and apply this knowledge in 2021!

Sonoma Vintage Analysis
21 janvier 2021
While 2020 may go down in history for all the wrong reasons, we still made wine. In this discussion we will analyze plant data to describe what happened at key stages in the growing season. Climate change continues to really challenge what we know about growing grapes and making wine. That’s why learning from the previous vintage is all the more essential. Join us to discover what can be learned from 2020 and how we can adapt in 2021 and beyond!

The State of the Climate with Gregory V. Jones PhD
02 février 2021
Greg Jones PhD will address his annual review of the previous vintage and give his thoughts on how weather in 2021 may play out. With extreme weather challenging every facet of the wine industry, now more than ever it is essential to get the industry’s leading view on trends that will impact growing conditions in the years to come. You won’t want to miss out on this!

Ripening Kinetics and Maturation Trends in 2020
09 février 2021
Be a part of the industry’s most detailed look at how fruit matured over time in 2020. Thibaut Scholasch PhD and Cecilia Cunningham will give a complete understanding of 2020 maturation trends and explore management practices that can be implemented in the coming growing season.

A Vintage Defined by Heat Waves: Commercial Trials to Evaluate a Tool to Improve Vineyard Resiliency
10 février 2021
It is often stated that vineyards are the "canary in the coal mine" for the rest of global agriculture. Some impacts are already being felt by grape growers with an overall reduction in vineyard resilience attributed to extreme weather conditions such as drought and excessively high temperatures. The 2020 vintage showed us how vine resilience was pushed to its extreme with more and more heat wave episodes in winegrowing regions across the globe. During this presentation, JT Jaeger will discuss a case study where we explore heat/water stress and how a soil microbial application has shown to improve vine resiliency through these heat events. We investigate this using infrared thermography, plant water status, and analysis of grape quality and yields. Using examples from around the world, the Vintage Report will demonstrate extreme heat challenges on a global scale. In doing this, Vintage Report co-founder Thibaut Scholasch PhD will discuss his analysis on the rise of extreme heat events and what this means in terms of plant physiology. While we can measure extreme heat, in order to see real impact there is a direct need to change practices in the field. Join us for this event dedicated to applied research and pragmatic technologies and see how solutions to extreme heat can be implemented this season.

How will your vines survive another heat wave?
During this online event we focus on extreme heat and its impact on viticulture. This discussion will take aim at some of the toughest questions in winegrowing: Will vines grow more resilient to heat stress over time? Can vines be trained to resist heat waves? How do growing conditions in California and the West Coast differ from other great wine regions around the world? Don’t miss this discussion on the state of the art in our understanding of vine physiology!
Joining us for this discussion will be Greg Gambetta PhD (Bordeaux Sciences Agro), Thibaut Scholasch PhD (Fruition Sciences/Vintage Report), and moderator Mark Anderson (Vintage Report).

The Economics of Water Savings
23 mars 2021
We know what happens to vineyards because of drought, but what could happen to our businesses and our regional economies? In this discussion we will dive into research from Lynn Hamilton PhD and Michael McCullough PhD of Cal Poly. Their recently published findings show that sudden constraints on water supply could have dramatic effects on the wine industry. But enough with the gloom and doom, there is light at the end of the tunnel! We will also explore how plant aware irrigation strategies coupled with water savings techniques in the cellar will yield substantial water savings. Join us and join a movement to implement sustainable practices in 2021!

Winemaking in an Uncertain Climate
30 mars 2021
What can we do when mother nature deals us a losing hand? A lot, it turns out! Join us as we explore the most advanced technologies available to winemakers who want to improve their wines in less than ideal conditions. We know all too well the challenges our climate poses, now let’s learn how we can work around that to continue making world class wines.

Irrigation in an ever changing climate
13 avril 2021
From St. Emilion to St. Helena, 2020 trends in plant water use were unprecedented. As climate continues to play a role in how we farm, we move into uncharted territory. Let’s explore irrigation strategies that will create healthy vines, high yields and excellent wine quality. Join this online event and learn how proper irrigation during challenging growing conditions can make the difference between mediocrity and a stellar vintage.

Thermal Time indexes: Using data to measure vine performance
11 mai 2021
Ever wonder if we could more accurately understand differences in grapevine development paths over different years or sites? Using smart data analysis we can! Learn how using site specific details and taking a holistic approach to thermal time indexes can help us more accurately predict key stages throughout the vintage. Take part in this online event and gain the knowledge that will help us craft more effective site specific management practices!