2018 Climate Analysis
2018 was another volatile weather year for Northern California. The 2018 vintner climate summary will recap and explain specific weather events and climate anomalies that may have affected last year’s crop production, in addition to addressing general climate trends and projections.

2018 Vintage Analysis

Pruning for the value of vine heritage
Focusing on approach & technique to reduce trunk disease susceptibility, strengthen & preserve vine structure, reduce susceptibility to stress and re-establishing homogeneity, to improve balance and increase aging potential.

Characteristics of Ripening Kinetics in 2018

Assessment of a large harvest on phenolic intensity and extractability
This presentation will look at results from Sonoma and Napa 2018 Cabernet harvests and compare to 2017 and 2016 harvest results.

Effects of sun radiation and temperature on grape composition. Implications for vineyard management
Climate is getting warmer, and adapting to rising temperatures is crucial to ensure resilience of viticulture. What are the effects of sun and temperature on grape composition and the wine? How could growers address the issue and protect their grapes?

Using Technology to Advance Winegrowing Practices