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January 18, 2018 - 8:30AM
The Westin Verasa Napa, 1314 McKinstry St, Napa, CA 94559
In its 8th year, the Vintage Report will once again return to the Napa Valley to discuss the main highlights of the 2017 season. An exceptionally wet winter followed by the warmest temperatures on record has set the stage for extreme vine response and ripening conditions. The intensity of heat waves have shaped and sometimes slowed down the 2017 maturation profiles. The late-season wildfires gave a tragic end to an already challenging vintage. During the Vintage Report, we will take a scientific look at the 2017 season in Napa and observe its consequences on vineyard performance. We will review the effect of climate on plant development and discuss how this impacts vine and fruit physiology. A novel analysis of ripening dynamics will shed light on berry chemical changes and the effect of harvest timing on wine composition. We will also discuss implications of smoke-related issues as well as different color extraction techniques on wine composition. Come to meet other winemakers and winegrowers and discuss these topics at the 2017 Napa Vintage Report!



This event is a technical meeting dedicated to winemakers, grapegrowers, vineyard/winery staff and winery owners. Full-time industry suppliers are politely asked to attend as event sponsors. For questions or additional clarifications on this policy, please contact [email protected] .
Opening of registration coming soon...
