This event is a technical meeting dedicated to winemakers, grapegrowers, vineyard/winery staff and winery owners. Full-time industry suppliers are politely asked to attend as event sponsors. For questions or additional clarifications on this policy, please contact
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Elizabeth Wolkovich, PhD
Associate Professor, University of British Columbia @

Eric Herve, PhD
Research Scientist @
Elizabeth Wolkovich, PhD
Associate Professor, University of British Columbia @
An agronomist and enologist by training, Nicolas Bernard co-founded the company Sferis in 2002, where he developed tools such as Xilem (measuring vine water status) and Dyostem (measuring harvest quality). He has also conducted consulting activities in Europe and South America, notably on irrigation and fertilization management, as well as grape characterization and the choice of harvest dates. Since 2008, and the merger of Oenodev and Sferis, he is responsible for Vivelys Vine Solutions.
Eric Herve, PhD
Research Scientist @
Eric Herve received his PhD from the University of Bordeaux in France, and has worked as a research scientist at ETS Laboratories since 1997. Eric has helped develop numerous analytical tools that allow growers and winemakers to assess grape and wine flavors, and to identify, trace, and prevent wine flaws or taints. These developments have included testing corks for “Releasable TCA” – a major breakthrough in the battle against cork taint – and the first report of eucalyptol in wines. At ETS, Eric supervises the development of new analysis methods, and assists growers and winemakers in their constant quest to harness the full potential of their grapes.

Federico Casassa, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo @

Gregory V. Jones, PhD
Director, Center for Wine Education, Linfield College @
Federico Casassa, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo @
Dr. Federico Casassa received an MS in Enology from the School of Agronomic Sciences in Mendoza (Argentina), and a Ph.D. in Food Science (with emphasis on wine chemistry and sensory analysis) from Washington State University. He is currently an assistant professor of enology with the Wine and Viticulture Department of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he teaches wine sensory analysis and advanced winemaking classes, in addition to serving as advisor of enology and viticulture-related Senior Projects. His past published research included studies on the effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) and intrinsic variations of berry size in grapes and wines, as well as on the various aspects of phenolic extraction and sensory outcomes of different maceration techniques in red wines.
Gregory V. Jones, PhD
Director, Center for Wine Education, Linfield College @
Gregory V. Jones is the Director of Wine Education and a professor and research climatologist in the Department of Environmental Studies at Linfield College. Professor Jones specializes in the study of climate structure and suitability for viticulture, and how climate variability and change influence grapevine growth, wine production and quality. He conducts applied research for the grape and wine industry in Oregon and many regions worldwide and has given hundreds of international, national, and regional presentations on climate and wine-related research. He is the author of numerous book chapters and other reports and articles on wine economics, grapevine phenology, site assessment methods for viticulture, climatological assessments of viticultural potential, and climate variability and change impacts on wine production.

Nicolas Bernard
Responsable de la solution vigne @

Thibaut Scholasch, PhD
Co-Founder and VP of Research and Development, the Vintage Report @
Nicolas Bernard
Responsable de la solution vigne @
Ingénieur Agronome et œnologue de formation, Nicolas Bernard a cofondé la société Sferis en 2002, il a développé les outils comme le Xilem (mesure de l'état hydrique de la vigne) et le Dyostem (mesure de la qualité de vendange). Il a également mené une activité de conseil, en Europe et Amérique du Sud, notamment sur le pilotage de l’irrigation et de la fertilisation, ainsi que sur la caractérisation des raisins et le choix des dates de récolte. Depuis 2008, et la fusion des sociétés Oenodev et Sferis, il est responsable des Solutions Vigne Vivelys.
Thibaut Scholasch, PhD
Co-Founder and VP of Research and Development, the Vintage Report @
Co-Founder of the Vintage Report, Thibaut brings his scientific expertise in viticulture and enology to the organization. He conceived the concept of the Vintage Report series to foster technical discussions around vintage effect while being respectful of local wine growing conditions. Throughout his scientific career, he has been exposed to numerous scientific and technical experts who imparted on him a desire to always learn more on the relationship between environmental stresses, vine and fruit physiological responses and its impact on wine quality. Having lived for 20 years in California Thibaut became inspired by the culture of open mindedness, clear communication and the power of social media to disseminate knowledge. Thibaut’s hope is that the Vintage report Series will continue to grow and contribute to disseminating reliable information within the wine industry. Ultimately, his objective is to benefit environmental resource management and help preserve the uniqueness of place and season as reflected by wine taste.