Keynote Presentation: The State of the Climate
2017 Vintage Analysis
Analysis of 2017 climatic conditions and the impact on vine performance.
From budburst to maturity: Modeling future winegrape phenology
This talk will review current progress in modeling major winegrape phenological events---budburst, flowering, veraison and maturity---based on our understanding of how climate impacts development. New results from models of budburst to veraison will be discussed, including their current predictive capacity for Napa.
2017 Ripening Dynamics in Napage Effect on Berry Ripening
An analysis of ripening dynamics that will compare 2017 to the previous vintages and discuss the effect of harvest timing on wine sensorial profiles.
Overview of phenolic extraction into red wine from a cellular perspective
This talk will cover the basics of phenolic extraction, including anthocyanins, tannins and their reaction products, from the perspective of their cellular location. Potential implications for red wine maceration will also be discussed.