This event is a technical meeting dedicated to winemakers, grapegrowers, vineyard/winery staff and winery owners. Full-time industry suppliers are politely asked to attend as event sponsors. For questions or additional clarifications on this policy, please contact
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Opening of registration coming soon...

Alessandro Zanutta
Senior Pruning Trainer @

Federico Casassa, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo @
Alessandro Zanutta
Senior Pruning Trainer @
Alessandro worked for over 20 years within an association of wine growers called Consorzio Tutela Vini Collio, as technical support manager. In 2010 he joined SIMONIT&SIRCH-PREPARATORI D’UVA s.r.l . as Senior Pruning Trainer. He has worked in Italy, Germany, Austria and California, providing agronomic advice to vineyards. In 2014 he has been appointed Head of Research and Development for the group SIMONIT&SIRCH-PREPARATORI D’UVA s.r.l .
Federico Casassa, PhD
Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo @
Dr. Federico Casassa received an MS in Enology from the School of Agronomic Sciences in Mendoza (Argentina), and a Ph.D. in Food Science (with emphasis on wine chemistry and sensory analysis) from Washington State University. He is currently an assistant professor of enology with the Wine and Viticulture Department of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he teaches wine sensory analysis and advanced winemaking classes, in addition to serving as advisor of enology and viticulture-related Senior Projects. His past published research included studies on the effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) and intrinsic variations of berry size in grapes and wines, as well as on the various aspects of phenolic extraction and sensory outcomes of different maceration techniques in red wines.

Jason Haas
Tablas Creek @

Laurent Audeguin
Institut de la Vigne et du Vin @
Jason Haas
Tablas Creek @
Jason Haas is Partner and GM at Tablas Creek Vineyard, the pioneering Rhone-specialist winery in Paso Robles, founded by his family in partnership with the Perrin Family of Château de Beaucastel, where he worked two summers while growing up. After obtaining a Master's Degree in Archaeology from Cornell and spending a four-year stint managing a tech company in Washington, DC, Jason moved to California to join Tablas Creek in 2002. At Tablas Creek, he oversees the business operations, is a member of the winemaking committee and directs the vineyard’s local and national marketing efforts. Jason is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance, a past president of the Rhone Rangers, and a former board member of the Family Winemakers of California. In recognition of his contributions to the Paso Robles wine community, he was voted by his peers 2015 Paso Robles Wine Country Wine Industry Person of the Year.
Laurent Audeguin
Institut de la Vigne et du Vin @
Working for the French Vine and Wine Institute (formerly ENTAV) since 1995, Laurent, 50 yo, is the Selection, Research, and Development Manager in the Vine Department. He is also in charge of the ENTAV-INRA® Trademark business development and management. This position gives him the opportunity to visit most of the wine regions in the world.

Monica Cooper
University of California, Cooperative Extension, Napa County @

Thibaut Scholasch, PhD
Co-Founder and VP of Research and Development, the Vintage Report @
Monica Cooper
University of California, Cooperative Extension, Napa County @
Monica is Farm Advisor-Viticulture with University of California, Cooperative Extension in Napa County. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Washington & Lee University, and a graduate degree in plant and pest management from the Plant Medicine Program at the University of Florida. Her research interests include IPM for vine mealybug and Argentine ants, grapevine leafroll disease epidemiology and management, Pierce’s disease epidemiology and management, rootstocks for nematode resistance, erineum mite management, and surface renewal for irrigation management.
Thibaut Scholasch, PhD
Co-Founder and VP of Research and Development, the Vintage Report @
Co-Founder of the Vintage Report, Thibaut brings his scientific expertise in viticulture and enology to the organization. He conceived the concept of the Vintage Report series to foster technical discussions around vintage effect while being respectful of local wine growing conditions. Throughout his scientific career, he has been exposed to numerous scientific and technical experts who imparted on him a desire to always learn more on the relationship between environmental stresses, vine and fruit physiological responses and its impact on wine quality. Having lived for 20 years in California Thibaut became inspired by the culture of open mindedness, clear communication and the power of social media to disseminate knowledge. Thibaut’s hope is that the Vintage report Series will continue to grow and contribute to disseminating reliable information within the wine industry. Ultimately, his objective is to benefit environmental resource management and help preserve the uniqueness of place and season as reflected by wine taste.