This event is a technical meeting dedicated to winemakers, grapegrowers, vineyard/winery staff and winery owners. Full-time industry suppliers are politely asked to attend as event sponsors. For questions or additional clarifications on this policy, please contact
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Opening of registration coming soon...

Alfredo Koch, PhD
Allan Hancock College @

Eric Jensen
Booker Wines @
Alfredo Koch, PhD
Allan Hancock College @
Coming from Argentina, Alfredo has lived in vineyards since age 5. Professor Koch has studied at the University of Pittsburgh MBA, Cal Poly SLO MS Agriculture and UC Davis Ph.D. Plant Biology (Viticulture) and worked extensively in vineyards and wineries, and in wine distribution. Teaching for the last 10 years at Allan Hancock College, Alfredo is presently Coordinator for Agribusiness/Viticulture and Enology, and visiting professor at the Masters in Vineyard and Winery Management at Bordeaux Science Agro.
Eric Jensen
Booker Wines @
Eric and his wife Lisa Jensen purchased 72 acres in 2001 with the intent of growing the best fruit for some of the best wineries in the area including Linne Calodo and Saxum. After making wine with Justin Smith of Saxum for five years, and Stephan Asseo of L'Aventure Wines for two years, the Jensens decided it was time to create their own expression with Booker Vineyard. The 2005 Vintage was Booker Vineyard's first release with the wines being made by owner Eric Jensen.

Jean Dodson Peterson, PhD
Faculty member, department of wine and viticulture @

Johann Martínez-Lüscher, PhD
UC Davis @
Jean Dodson Peterson, PhD
Faculty member, department of wine and viticulture @
Dr. Jean Dodson Peterson has been a faculty member of the Department of Wine and Viticulture at Cal Poly since 2014. She received her B.S. in Viticulture and Enology, M.S. and Ph.D. in Horticulture and Agronomy (Viticulture) from the University of California, Davis. Her research interests focus on rootstock selection and influence on scion development. She currently teaches the Advanced Viticulture series and Basic Viticulture courses.
Johann Martínez-Lüscher, PhD
UC Davis @
Johann has a PhD degree in Biology and Plant Biology from the University of Navarra (Spain) and University of Bordeaux (France), respectively. His postgraduate research is related to plant ecophysiology, including simulating the effects of climate change (UV-B radiation, water stress, elevated temperature and CO2) on grapevine physiology and grape fruit quality.

Steve Price, PhD
Phenolic Consultant @

Thibaut Scholasch, PhD
Co-Founder and VP of Research and Development, the Vintage Report @
Steve Price, PhD
Phenolic Consultant @
Steve is an Oregon resident who works with wine and grape phenolic chemistry. He has developed the phenolic assays offered by ETS, works with client support for the phenolic program and works on a range of ETS research projects. He has a PhD from Oregon State University in Plant Physiology and was Viticulturist at OSU for twelve years. He has been consulting with ETS since 1995.
Thibaut Scholasch, PhD
Co-Founder and VP of Research and Development, the Vintage Report @
Co-Founder of the Vintage Report, Thibaut brings his scientific expertise in viticulture and enology to the organization. He conceived the concept of the Vintage Report series to foster technical discussions around vintage effect while being respectful of local wine growing conditions. Throughout his scientific career, he has been exposed to numerous scientific and technical experts who imparted on him a desire to always learn more on the relationship between environmental stresses, vine and fruit physiological responses and its impact on wine quality. Having lived for 20 years in California Thibaut became inspired by the culture of open mindedness, clear communication and the power of social media to disseminate knowledge. Thibaut’s hope is that the Vintage report Series will continue to grow and contribute to disseminating reliable information within the wine industry. Ultimately, his objective is to benefit environmental resource management and help preserve the uniqueness of place and season as reflected by wine taste.