
2016 Vintage Analysis
Analysis of 2016 climatic conditions and their impact on vine performances

Grapevine Shoot Development as a Function of Arm Positioning
Looks at the role shoots per meter has and whether shoot number manipulation can normalize shoot growth along the cordon to eliminate a developmental delay at mid-cordon arm positions.

Vine vulnerability to drought: a vascular system more resilient than previously reported.
insights from using X-ray tomography (synchrotron) to assess vine vulnerability to cavitation

Managing Phenolics in the Vineyard
The quantity and quality of light, as well as its interaction with rising temperatures will be discussed on how they affect berry chemistry.

Impact of Berry Maturity and Wine Alcohol on Phenolic Compounds
Looks at the differences in anthocyanin, tannin, and polymeric pigment content over time in wines produced from different berry maturities and alcohol contents.

Adjustment of Barrel Aging to Grape Profile
This presentation will describe the impact of barrels in terms of association with wine quality. It deals with general rules which allow to match different barrel factors with harvest quality.

The State of the Climate
This presentation will review the previous year from a global to a regional perspective, then look at current conditions. The presentation will conclude with a summary and forecast for the coming vintage.

Harnessing the Microbiome
How the soil’s microbial fingerprint can influence vineyard and wine quality.

Vintage Comparison Panel