Keynote Address: Nova Cadamatre, MW
Gain an understanding of the 2019 vintage from a master of wine and one of Napa's revered winemakers.

The State of the Climate
This presentation will review the previous year from a global to a regional perspective, then look at current conditions. The presentation will include a summary of 2019 climate conditions and forecast for the coming vintage.

2019 Vintage Analysis
The Vintage Analysis will focus on plant response at key stages of the growing season. This presentation will be a data-driven review of the 2019 vintage and will be a great opportunity to reflect on what new methods can be executed in 2020.
Developing informed irrigation practices to mitigate heat wave impacts on winegrapes
Extreme heat events have and will continue to increase in duration, intensity and frequency across wine growing regions. To date the primary means of mitigating impacts of these events is to use irrigation to increase evaporative cooling of the canopy. As we face a future of reduced water availability and coupled with increasing demand, it is imperative to gain a more refined understanding of how variable irrigation practices affect grapevine physiology and berry chemistry, and the downstream impacts on wine.

Characteristics of Ripening Kinetics in 2019
What happened in 2019 in terms of berry ripening patterns? How did this impact wine quality? Enology specialist Cecilia Cunningham will walk us through the analysis her company collected throughout the growing season.

Exploring Methods of AI in Agriculture, A Panel Discussion
Using big data to solve unique problems is a technique that has now existed for quite some time. In this panel discussion, we will look at how artificial intelligence can impact winegrowing practices and dive deeper into how AI can be utilized as a tool for agriculture. This panel will be led and moderated by Luca Brillante, PhD.

Winemaking techniques to improve quality after the 2019 growing season
2019 was among the most challenging vintages experienced for a decade--low sugar potential, low fruit intensity, and low color. In this presentation, we are going to point out the different options winemakers have available in the cellar to face these challenges and improve quality of their wines. We will particularly highlight the impact of oxygen inputs during alcoholic fermentation that can change the whole story if applied properly.

Current Status of Testing Solutions for Smoke Impact
The core question when grapes have been exposed to wildfire smoke is often to what extent their quality, or suitability for winemaking, has been compromised. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of consensus about predicting the risk of smoke characters appearing in wine. This study provides new insights into the fate of smoke compounds in grapes and wines, and invaluable information about the objective assessment of smoke impact in grapes and wines.

Closure and Oxygen: Making a choice is now reality
Closure selection just before bottling is becoming the ultimate oenological act for winemakers. This choice can be for marketing or price but more and more, for winemaking reasons. Francois Margot, General Manager for Diam Bouchage, will detail his new permeability results for cork closures and benefits for your wines.

Viticulture and Oenology Breakout Sessions
Explore the essential technologies which make up the core content of our program. This segment will explore vital technologies that change what we know about the vintage. Learn from the perspectives of technology producers and winegrowers alike. Discover new tools which can be utilized in 2020 and how these new solutions can work with your current practices in the vineyard and the cellar.

How to address the upcoming challenges
An exploration of the different functions of oak in terms of oak components, format, and desired wine styles.

Sap Flow - Reproducing excellence in a changing environment
A discussion of seasonal actions and overall attributes that can be improved through knowing your vines transpiration rate and stress level in real time during the season.